Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hair colours

Hair colours

Hello i know many of us girls have big problemes with what colours goes well with our hair colours so with the articale you'll be sure to be pretty. These colours can go well on make up , clothes and many more.

BLONDE: I have tested these colours as i am blonde and approve that 
they are perfect for blondes , and no we blondes aren't stupid!
no way :     pastels like baby pink and blue and
yellow hair with yellow clothes and white
try me:    black , purple , red ,bluemarine,coral red , bordeaux.

BRUNETTE:My friend is Brunette so i studied what she wore today and
i looked at models on the web.
no way:     blacks and purple all those dark shades
try me :       pastel colours , biege and white all those sweet light coleurs
gold is a really nice sparkle to an outfit as well
red is the charming colour

BROWN:this is a really commun colour and its nt hard to find colours that go
well for those chesnut looking girls.
no way:    browns and pink pastels as well as blue and yellow baby pastels
try me:   white and blacks and especially blues aquamarine and greens


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